Marriage Requires Courage: When your marriage faces impossible obstacles & daunting challenges; don’t be tempted to throw in the towel & quit. Quitting is exactly what the devil wants you to do.
Obstacles are meant to be overcome. Rivers are meant to be crossed. Mountains are meant to be climbed & walls are meant to be broken. Take courage & get on your knees & fight the good fight of faith for your marriage. Don’t settle for anything less. Good things are worth fighting for. Marriage requires that you persist even in the face of impossible challenges, determined enemies & intimidating obstacles. Don’t look back. Don’t listen to disparaging voices. Keep your head high & your eyes of faith above the ordinary. Walk by faith & not by sight. Nothing outside your marriage is worth quitting your marriage for.
When you feel the urge to surrender or walk away, keep pressing forward & persevere to the end. You are a Victor, not a Victim! Press On!