Hi friends, this is Coach Pam. I just wanted to record a message today to just share with you something that I was just reading and I was learning and then a certain man of God had shared a similar message and it really felt different. The Bible verse really hit differently from what I normally see it to be or understand it to be.
So, I just thought I should share with you, I really love to share the scriptures. I may not have all the time that I want to especially these days I've been pretty busy with my school, and I've not been able to record as much as I want. I've been trying to do the reels. So, it's a lot of time for me to be doing the reels and also doing the recordings but whenever I can I will do it.
So, I just want you to come with me to 2 Timothy chapter 4 verse 7 to 8. And it says, " I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith, finally there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness which the Lord, the righteous judge will give to me on that day and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing in the name of Jesus." And what really caught my attention is the 'I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, ' this should be like our very desire. This was Paul, Apostle Paul talking to Timothy. He was so confident, do you really hear his confidence? "I have fought a good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith," and I love how he says, "a crown is laid up for me." He already knew he was going to get his crown. He was not dead but he knew his days were coming to an end, but he was looking back at his life and saying I have fought a good fight. So what I just wanted to encourage me and all of us is to make sure we have fought a good fight, we have lived a good life, we have lived our purpose.
There are some fights which are not worth fighting. You don't want to be on your death bed, like at the end of your days and you look back and you say, "this fight, why did I even fight this person? Why did I even hurt this person? Why did I always fight with my husband for no reason? Why did I always fight with my wife for no reason? Why did I always have a grudge with my mother or mother in-law for no reason?" You wanna make sure when that time comes you look back and you really say 'I have fought a good fight.' Of course life is not going to be perfect, of course not everybody is going to be in good terms with us but on your own as person you have to make sure that your conscience is clear, your conscience is clean.
I am sure many people who are walking in the ways of God, when their time is almost over they can start to see things, they can start to see a glimpse of heaven, they can start to hear the voice of God, they can start to know exactly what is going to happen, they see a glimpse of heaven. We want to be in that position. You don't want to be in that position were you are almost going but you know you have not fought a good fight. Make sure what you're fighting are good fights, make sure your fights are for eternal purposes. Don't fight things which don't really benefit you anything. Make sure if you're having a fight with your husband it's for a purpose, it's to try and make things right, it's not just a fight to just hurt each other and try to be the winner. Make sure if you're thinking of getting divorced, you are getting divorced over a good fight. Don't divorce for stupid things, for material things, for the lust of the flesh and just because you want to win.
Fight for God's glory, fight a good fight, fight for your children, fight for your marriage, fight to glorify the name of God, we don't have much time. It really hit my mind today, we don't have much time. We have to do what we were designed by God to do, we have to live our purpose. Being a Christian is not always going to be easy, some days may become hard but whatever happens don't you ever ever give up on Jesus because the crown is coming. The crown is already set for those who love the Lord. Paul said, "finally there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness which the Lord, the righteous judge will give to me on that day and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing." So, if you believe in the Bible, you believe apostle Paul was a man of God take this seriously and start fighting good fights. Don't go into fights which are not necessary. Fight for the kingdom of God, fight to be a good person, fight to be good mother, a good wife, a good daughter in-law, a good daughter, a good worker, a good boss. In whatever way, in whatever position you are just fight to be the best version of you and just make sure you are living in peace with everyone around you as much as it's possible. That's what the Bible says because sometimes as much as we want to live in peace with other people they don't want to live in peace with us. What can you do? You just leave them on the side but make sure you don't hold any grudges with anyone because this is a very serious matter. Don't lose your crown because you are fighting fights which are not even necessary, fights which are just small.
I just thought I should share that with you. I'm sorry the recording went a little bit longer but I just wanted to emphasize.
Prayer: Father in the name of Jesus. Thank you for your word which you have exalted above your name, thank you my God for opening our eyes to this. Thank you my God for reminding us that there is a crown which is laid up for us my God, a crown of righteousness my father that you want to my God to those who have been waiting on you, who have been working for you, who have been fighting good fights. We just pray my God that you help us to keep our focus on you and to keep our focus on the heavenly things so that we do not miss our crown. There are so many troubles and problems in this world but we do not want to be consumed by them. We do not want to fight fights which are not profitable, we want to fight the good fight and we want my Father to finish our race. We want to keep the faith.
Thank you so much for everything. We bless your name, we glorify your name in Jesus name I pray. Amen.