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God Hears & Answers Prayers

2 Kings 19 vs 20

Then Isaiah son of Amoz sent a message to Hezekiah: “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: I have heard your prayer concerning Sennacherib king of Assyria.

This confirms that when we pray God hears and He answers. When we pray sincere fervent prayers He is listening. He answers our prayers but maybe not as quick as we want or sometimes not in the way we want so our first reaction to any problem is to bring it to God.

This is what happened in this story of king Hezekiah. Some of you know the story. He was being challenged by a great king, the king of Assyria and his name was Sennacherib. King Sennacherib had destroyed so many nations. He was feared and he was known among the nations. Hezekiah knew that he did not stand a chance with this king but he knew what to do. He knew who could face this king and that was his God.

So when this king of Assyria sent him a letter, challenging him. He took the letter of threat and he brought it to the house of God and he presented it to God and that's an example for us, it's such a beautiful example. Whatever is threatening us let's bring it to the Lord in prayer.

Can you imagine if king Hezekiah had not prayed, if he had received the threat and then just sat, started to worry, started to fear and started to wonder what is going happen. He would have been destroyed. Some may say but God knows everything why do we have to tell Him?why can He not just do something?. Well, He truly knows everything and He can definitely do anything for us but He commanded us to pray. God's hand cannot be moved until someone prays and that's the truth. Just the prayer of one person can make a difference for a whole nation so do not underestimate the power of prayer. Pray for everything, pray sincerely. God is listening.

This is the message I have for you today. Pray. Anything that is bothering you, pray. Family issues, marriage issues, children issues, Financial issues, Health problems, anything, things about your work situations, somebody bothering you at your job just bring it to God. You can even write it down on a piece of paper as a prayer request and present it to God. Tell God this is my problem, these are the people who are challenging me, these are the people who are bothering me. Bring it to God, pray about it and see if He's not going to answer you. He answers prayers, He's a God who is very faithful.


Father, in the name of Jesus. We thank you for this message and this reminder about prayer. Thank you for your word which is living and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword. We choose to pray in every circumstance, in every situation because we know that you hear and answer prayers. We do not want to make prayer our last resort but we want to make it our first reaction.

We pray my God for peace in our family. We pray my God for peace amongst all the nations. We pray for the people of Ukraine. We pray for the people of Russia. We pray that you bring understanding between them and that my father you stop this war and stop the bloodshed and come through for your people. We pray for the leaders of Russia my God that they may fear you, they may be humbled by you and you can bring them to their knees.

We pray for health and we pray for healing. For all our family members and all our friends. We pray for our sister Pamela Masunda who is not feeling well and we send a word of healing to her in the name of Jesus Christ and we say Pamela be healed, be healed by the stripes of Jesus you are healed. From the top of your head to the bottom of your feet.

We pray my God for divine protection over all of us and over all our family. We pray for divine prosperity. Oh Lord I pray send prosperity now in the name of Jesus like your word says for all us we are not poor but we are rich. We receive divine prosperity, divine blessings that you are pouring out on our behalf from heaven. We bless your name, we worship you, we praise and glorify you because there is no God like you. You are God alone, you are God all by your self. In the name of the Father, in name of the son and in the name of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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