Our daily needs deviate our eyes towards our own bellybutton. Today what matters to man are his bills, his life, his family, his future, his dreams, his pain, his interest, his, his, his…
During Christmas, the advertisings lead him to want to give presents, to want to say merry Christmas, to want to give cards… why is it, that after January, he decided that it was not time to give anymore? Generosity with a set date is not generosity. Let us not grow weary of doing the good. It doesn't matter if we are corresponded or not, if we are understood or not. The Word of God says that we shall reap. If we don't give up, we will reap what we have been sowing.
In another occasion, it says: “The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself.” (Proverbs 11.25) In other words, he that gives shall receive. If you want to prosper, you must be generous. If you want to quench your thirst, you must give water to someone. If you want love, you must love. If you want attention, you must give attention. You will not receive what you didn’t give. This is a fixed law from God. Nature functions this way. He, who sows, reaps. And you only reap what you sowed.
Plant what you want to reap.
- By Bishop Edir Macedo