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The Power In The Voice Of A Woman

1 Samuel 18 vs 7-9

As they danced, they sang:“Saul has slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands.” Saul was very angry; this refrain displeased him greatly. “They have credited David with tens of thousands,” he thought, “but me with only thousands. What more can he get but the kingdom?” And from that time on Saul kept a close eye on David.

So in the chapter we see the power of the voice of a woman. It says so the women danced as they sang. Ladies our voices are very powerful, we really are a big influence.

To the married women be careful about what you're saying to your husbands. Your words are very influential. The words you speak to your husband means a whole lot to him down the words anyone else speak to him. Lift him up and not put him down. Be your husband's number one cheerleader. Celebrate your husband.

For the singles learn from this. I know most of you are in waiting but learn from this even when we say this message is for married people take it for yourself. believing faith that one day you're going to be married. Treat yourself like you're already married and learn from all these messages.

Our words matter ladies. Your word matters. Life in death is in the power of the tongue that's what the bible face. Here King Saul got so annoyed by hearing the women cheer up for David. From that day he set his eyes to harm David.

Remember your voice has power. Not only for your husband but over everything. Over your own children as well . Prophecy things in your children's lives. Prophecy blessings. Even if you've said bad things to your children out of anger cancel those words, erase those words by the blood of Jesus.

Speak life into yourself too, into your situations. See yourself with God's lenses. Do not shoot yourself down. You're beautiful, you're talented, you're amazing, you're unique, you're well able, you got this, you're a woman of God.

So use the woman power wisely. Use your voice wisely, use your words wisely because your voice does matter.


Father in the name of jesus . We want to thank you for the gift of life today. We want to thank you for the gift of health. For the gift of a new day, for the gift of a new week. If there is anyone amongst us who's sick my God, i heal them in the name of Jesus Christ. I speak healing, I minister healing to them and I decree and declare that by stripes of Jesus they are healed. From the top of the head to the bottom of their feet in the name of Jesus Christ

We surrender all our plans and all our dreams to you my father. Help us to watch our words when we speak. Help us to have words that encourage and uplift our husbands. You have made us their perfect helpers and we ask daily for wisdom so that we can fulfil this duty that is so precious, so important that you have given to us.

Our words can either cause life or death so we choose to speak life not only to our husband but also to our children. To our situations, to our family members, to our friends and to ourselves.

We glorify your name, we worship your name. We raise your name on high. There is no God like you . You are God alone. You are God the maker of the heaven and the earth . The God who sits was between the cheribium. Receive our glory, receive our praise. In the name of the Father, in the name of the Son and in the name of the Holy Spirit I pray. Amen.

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