John 10 vs 3:
The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.
Jesus here was describing himself as the shepherd. The door keeper used to stay at the gate of the sheep pen. He would only allow the real or the approved shepherd to come in and get the sheep.
So Jesus is saying He's the real shepherd to us and we are His sheep. If He is allowed entry He will lead us and guide us. He says His sheep hear His voice, he knows them by name and he leads them.
Today my main message is about hearing from God. Do you know God's voice? Do you hear Him when He speaks to you?. That is one thing I struggled with for a long time and I'm still working on it, I'm still learning. I remember how amazed I would be anytime I heard someone saying ,"I say this to God and God said this to me..". And I would be like wait a minute... How does that happen how is that possible and a long time ago I used to think it was impossible, I thought these people were lying to be honest. But with spiritual maturity I really know that God speaks to His people.
The thing is God speaks to different people in so many diffrent ways. You have to pay attention. The most common and important way that God speaks to us is through His Word. All His promises are in The Bible and they are ours so if you need answers to anything go to the bible. If you want God to speak to you read your bible, you can't complain that God is not speaking to you whilst you bible is closed.
God can also speak to us through a sudden thought which just crosses our mind. Something you were not even thinking about then all of a sudden an idea comes.
He may speak to us through other people. They will tell you exactly what you were waiting to hear from God and you will be so amazed.
God can speak to people through dreams and visions. It's very biblical, in Acts 2 vs 17 God says ,"in the last days I will pour out my spirit on all people, your sons and daughter will prophecy, your young men will see visions and your old men will dream dreams". In the old and new testament God spoke to His people in a lot of dreams and a good example that I can remember is about Joseph the father of Jesus when God spoke to him to escape with baby because Herod was after killing Jesus.
However on dreams we really have to be careful, the devil manipulates dreams too so don't base your life on every small dream that you have, sometimes it's just a dream, most of the time in fact. Or they are even just things at the back of our mind. So we should not rely on every dream or get worried and anxious about every little dream that we have. If it's God speaking it's usually very particular and clear, that you won't forget easily.
It's something that you don't forget easily. That's probably a dream that I can put my mind on and pray about it and ask God if He wants to say something to you. If you dream something that is scary pray about it, if it's something you think God is trying to say something pray about it. Ask Him if He's trying to show you something in the dream because clarity comes when you pray.
The other ways that God can speak to you is through....